Saturday, May 9, 2015

Understanding the Philanthropic Buyer and Seller

In the high and ultra high net worth segment, having an acute understanding of client lifestyles is a responsibility of not only a private banker, but the real estate broker who represents that constituency.  Part of the skill in working with those clients is being able to talk about things that are important to them.  Among those things is philanthropy.

Some real estate companies have done a tremendous job in leveraging community connections by establishing their own foundations or donor-advised funds which allows both the company and the brokers to remain at the epicenter of the grant making community.  That is admirable.  Other brokers regularly donate a portion of their net to any number of charities.

Learning more about philanthropy is very helpful for the broker who wants an opportunity to work with these types of clients.  Check the membership criteria of either of these groups in the Oregon market.  They both have significant education programs that help develop new leaders in philanthropy.  Organizations like these operate in most metropolitan areas throughout the U.S.

Grantmakers of Oregon & Southwest Washington
Business for Culture and the Arts

Friday, April 24, 2015

Fredrik Eklund - Seattle Windermere Event & the NYC Market

Today we enjoyed the Windermere Real Estate event in Seattle which brought Fredrik Eklund, New York City's top producing broker who was promoting his book The Sell (see link below).  Eklund, who produces over $1 billion annually with his team, still maintains all of his own social media presence and emphasizes the need for brokers to be honest and authentic.  As a top producer who represents numerous celebrity clients, he briefed the audience on trends in both design and how he oftentimes works two years in advance with developers to program buildings for buyers and anticipate trends.  Bravo for an total professional representation in the industry for working with the private client segment.  Excellent counsel for brokers who are working with this type of client.

Buy Fredrik's book at:

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lost Art of Entertaining

One of our favorite interior designers in Portland once said - "just like you have to know where to have your silver polished."  That's true - while not many people still take entertaining guests to its ultimate level of perfection with a stunning table and creative menu - there's something to be said when people do.  It's appreciated.  As a broker, knowing where the client who is new to the city should go for a service like polishing silver is a basic requirement.  We are happy we still have artisans like Art Craft Silversmiths in the Portland, Oregon market.  While we have lost beautiful gift boutiques like Zell Bros' 2nd Floor, there are still resources available for discerning clients.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Broad | Un-Private Collection Series - John Waters & Jeff Koons

We're looking forward to the opening of The Broad in Los Angeles on September 20.  This series of videos helps get into the artist's head - and perhaps also gives insight to why and how we build our art collections.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Portland Art World Excitement with New Concept

Yesterday we had an unexpected surprise - a tour of a new concept in art.  Framing, collection management, and gallery collaborating.  Absolutely brilliant.  Jeffrey Thomas formerly of Jamison Thomas Gallery has opened Jeffrey Thomas Fine Art in NW Portland.  In partnership with Murdoch Collections and Kateyama Framing, it's a brilliant concept that draws the best from a number of galleries in addition to some magnificent estates of artists.

We were so impressed that in conjunction with our Private Client Advisory Board we're holding a briefing for brokers who work with our Private Client Group through Fidelity National Title in Portland.  The select group of brokers who represent collectors in the high and ultra high net worth segment will enjoy a briefing on The Art of Collecting Art - ranging in many topics applicable to the buyer or seller who is also a collector.

Being a collector and - in essence - a custodian of any number of magnificent pieces, is an incredible responsibility.  Representing collectors and having the aptitude to appropriately counsel them toward the proper local resources is an absolute necessity for brokers who represent this segment.  An exciting find!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Luxury is no longer an applicable term

This is an outstanding interview.  As predicted, the word "luxury" has lost its luster and has perhaps become irrelevant to the UHNW constituency.  One of my favorite hotels in New York is the Lowell...primarily for its location on the upper east side and proximity to the Met and other places of interest.  This expresses how we should all perhaps rethink how we market to this segment.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Excellence in Video - Expectations in Marketing Luxury Real Estate

To a large extent, major markets like New York and Los Angeles already employ best practices of using video in marketing luxury property.  A video is not a grouping of photos that moves using the Ken Burns effect with music...a video is a production-quality piece that combines the "movement" within any property.  This video is a favorite, recently sold in LA's Trousdale Estates for $70 million.

The video - obviously geared to a male audience with its content and staging, takes viewers through a lifestyle story of what they can expect, morning to evening, out of living in the property.  With a single side commission of $700,000+, the investment paid off and created additional excitement for the brokers in the marketplace.  Congratulations to the brokers and producers on a job well-done.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cufflinks as Fashion Statements

Packouz Jewelers of Portland, Oregon, is well-known for its collection of distinct jewelry.  These cufflinks are made from vintage watch movement surrounded by rubies.  Priced at $10,650 and designed by Michael Barin, they make a great conversation starter for clients interested in unusual pieces for their collections.

WealthX Launches New Report on UHNW Real Estate with Sotheby's

Visit the latest report on the Ultra High Net Worth by downloading the PDF found at this link: