Saturday, May 9, 2015

Understanding the Philanthropic Buyer and Seller

In the high and ultra high net worth segment, having an acute understanding of client lifestyles is a responsibility of not only a private banker, but the real estate broker who represents that constituency.  Part of the skill in working with those clients is being able to talk about things that are important to them.  Among those things is philanthropy.

Some real estate companies have done a tremendous job in leveraging community connections by establishing their own foundations or donor-advised funds which allows both the company and the brokers to remain at the epicenter of the grant making community.  That is admirable.  Other brokers regularly donate a portion of their net to any number of charities.

Learning more about philanthropy is very helpful for the broker who wants an opportunity to work with these types of clients.  Check the membership criteria of either of these groups in the Oregon market.  They both have significant education programs that help develop new leaders in philanthropy.  Organizations like these operate in most metropolitan areas throughout the U.S.

Grantmakers of Oregon & Southwest Washington
Business for Culture and the Arts